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Writer's picture: Bloom Inside OutBloom Inside Out

This time of the year, the start of the new year brings with it all kinds of excitement and pressure about new beginnings. We see status updates such as “New Year, New Me, New Goals” everywhere!

It made me wonder if we really think much about the words we write or speak? Do we honestly change everything overnight, in the beginning of the year, such that you can claim it’s all NEW YOU / NEW ME?

My meditation app “Calm” (check it out here if you have’t tried it), it’s amazing for mindfulness.

Anyway Calm also brought up mindfulness around CHANGE on the 2nd week of Jan. But I loved the way it consciously made reference to “new year and new beginnings and THINGS will change”.... not that WE will change or be NEW, not that all our goals are NEW but “things” around us will change. Things like circumstances, seasons, conditions, weather etc will change and obviously energies around that will influence and trigger new desires all around us.

I believe we remain WHO we truly are in the core of our being, despite all the changing things around us. Becoming the best version of who we are, is not us changing but opening up to ourselves more.

I am all about improving and shifting to be the best version of ourselves, just not the pressure that this word CHANGE brings. I choose to look at the New Year as another opportunity for continuation of a life journey towards becoming a better version or more of who you are, which is what I define as EVOLVING.

Yes there will be behaviors, conditioning, patterns, habits, blocks and mindsets you want to change, improve because you have realized that they don’t serve you well, but YOU remain WHO you are.

Those improvements also won’t happen overnight, which the word change suggests.

Change has a way of leading us to obsessive behavior where we take drastic decisions to eliminate and cut out what doesn’t align with our idealistic view of what is right for us.... which is not sustainable, it doesn’t last long, soon we fall off the wagon and go back to old ways and habits. This leads to insecurity, comparisons, jealousy, judgement, remorse and self-resentment!

{At the beginning of the year, I decided to break the hold / tight grip that I felt coffee had on me. I didn’t just cut it off overnight, in fact towards the end of the year I was already conscious of how much coffee I was consuming daily, and my husband cared enough to bring it up too. So I started to reduce the number of cups I was drinking daily. I started reaching out more for water on those instances where I was given a choice of water or coffee, I was skipping coffee.

I also read that we are 80% water, which means I was feeding my body and mind the most important element to function at its best. I don’t have to tell you how incredible this was for me and for my skin due to hydration, water benefits are incredible, I wonder why we even choose other drinks like wine and champagne 'wink'.

Anyway, come New Year, it was kinda easier to stop drinking coffee. I decided to start January and the new year on a clean coffee slate. I did this without announcing to my family or friends, let alone posting it on social media, I simply chose water every time I got the edge for coffee. I didn’t set a target of how many days or months I will be off coffee for, and if it’s an interim decision or I will completely be off coffee for life.

All that I was doing was taking control of what I put in my body, by choosing what is good for me and not allowing the craving or cry out for coffee to control me.

Before you start palpitating at my decision, I had my 1st cuppa on the 13th day of January when we got a call that we won a coffee pitch we worked on in December. It was only befitting to raise a cup and cheer our blooming abundant start to the NEW year!}

Wondering where am I going with this?

Change is drastic, harder and adds unnecessary pressure to ourselves.

Whereas evolving is a steady, gradual, more gentle and a kinder shift step by step, choice by choice, day by day towards what you want and desire.

WE DEFINITELY NEED TO EVOLVE, GROW & BLOOM to our full potential. We don’t want to remain an egg, it’s either we evolve and hatch or get spoilt / rot. Your choose!

Small things always grow into big things. The little habits now (both good and bad) always develop into bigger, more prominent behaviors. Be intentional about small daily edits, continuously until you blossom, flourish into a bright and beautiful flower you have always dreamt of being.

I hope this will make you rethink your choice of words as we get into the flow of this new year, becoming and evolving to be the grandest version of who we are.

May you choose all that serves you well and showers you with self-love as you allow all that you desire to flow into your life.

Bloom Regards, Nox

Bloom Inside Out

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