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Writer's picture: Bloom Inside OutBloom Inside Out

Hello Boss Ladies

Today was self-care, self-love Friday, woke up with fever, decided to stay home to medicate and sleep it off.

I had been sooo looking forward to connect with this young lady in Gauteng, that NO FLU formed against me was gonna stop me.

Needless to say we opted for a telecoaching as opposed to video call since I was in pjs and gown.

She‘s in her mid twenties and all ready to unleash the grandest version of herself through #BIOCOACHING.

As we were wrapping up the coaching session, she asked me:

”How do I deal with the challenge of execution, not knowing what and how to do something.?”

She further stated “Like finding the right people to work with?”

My response:

You are the right person you are waiting for or hoping will help you execute IT. It’s a limiting and flawed belief and biggest excuse that it can only happen if you meet the right person/people! You wouldn’t think IT unless you desired it and are the right person for it.

Write IT down. Prepare your elevator pitch as if it was for the “right person” you are hoping will help you. {What is IT, what is the offer or service and why should anyone care about it.}

Read more about IT from all platforms you can get to. See who else is doing it across the world? Connect with them and share insights or lessons.

Package IT and position for ease of accessing or using IT for the target market. Then profile IT ~ i.e. share it, speak abut it, write about it, contribute to a publication or blog.

Non of the above require loads of money, so not having money or not knowing the right people is not a valid excuse.


GET UP & DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, BE OBSESSED WITH IT, before you know it, you will be underway, flowing and excited to GET IT DONE!

How do you get over execution challenges to get IT done!

Stay tuned for the next #BIOCONNECT MASTERCLASS #BuildYourBloomingBrand

#BYBB in August.




Nox MaLuthuli Magwaza

@noxbloom (Twitter & instagram)


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