Yes, you were born to flourish, to prosper, to multiply.
You were born to develop, grow, to expand, to bloom and be more than the seed you were conceived from. The seed of your life has so much power within you to be a serial achiever, maker, creator and developer.
There’s no two ways about it, you ought to keep blooming, multiplying, reinventing and evolving as you transition into different stages and phases of your life. Blooming is the only evidence of life.
Wondering why has your life progression and growth slowed down and to some of you completely stopped? Why does your life suddenly feel stagnant, with no growth?
BLOOM Into Your Purpose, awaken to it and flourish into your own greatness.
Think back to that age where your life was limitless. You knew no boundaries, there were no no’s in your life. No impossibilities, no fear, no restrictions, no boxes, no qualifications nor skills.
Yes, qualifications and skills can also lock you down, imprison you to one thing, when you are capable of so much more. They can limit your being and your thinking to one area when you can claim and excel in so many other territories.
At a tender age, all you had was all that God imparted and placed within you. That purpose and the will to live, the will to develop and grow that gift and sharpen your innate ability to teach yourself to crawl, to walk, to run, to eat, to play, to create, to make things and have so much fun at it.
Failure, doubt and pain didn’t stop you. You were limitless! You fell but didn’t give up on walking, you tripped but didn’t give up running, you cut yourself but didn’t give up in carving and making things, some of you got burnt and didn’t give up lighting fires!
What killed that desire to develop from one stage to another to better yourself and achieve the next level of growth in your life?
Let’s go back to what set your soul on fire, what got you dancing to no music, baking with mud, sowing baby dolls, dressing up and making yourself up and styling yourself pretty. Go back to that which made you want to try even when you didn’t know what you were doing, that deep hunger and desire that made you want to bring out your best.
What did you dream of then, what did you imagine yourself inventing and creating. What changed, what stopped you? Was it fear, doubt, negative talk… too many “no’s”, too many “you can’t do it” or “who do you think you are”. Remember You are You, you can’t be anybody else and right there is your power! Rediscover yourself, who you truly are. You are made in God's image, you have all that He says you have, you can do what He says you can do. You are powerful beyond understanding.
Let’s tap back into those 5-8 year old dreams, desires, imaginations and infuse life into them. Let’s go back to reawaken and realize them, because there lies your purpose, your power, your prosperity, your significance and success. Let’s rewind to your childhood potential and then fast-forward and nurture those seeds into full bloom.
To my African Blooms, plant & nurture the seeds of flowers you want to enjoy in future …Plant your own garden today and let it flourish! Invest in your personal growth and development, nurture your talents, gifts and skills.
Each day seek to become the women you dreamt of, imagined and still desire to be. She was confident, dressed immaculately, stepped with boldness. She was unstoppable, she oozed power and passion (flame) to bloom that could never be exhausted, diminished or blown off.
There are world problems that can not be solved until you open up and bloom into all that you were created to be. The world has been waiting for you to bloom and is still waiting. Don’t settle for an ordinary life when you were born to be extra-ordinary, equipped with the greatest gifts and talents from your Heavenly Father.
Don’t die before you die! BLOOM Into Your Purpose and flourish into your own greatness. Don’t kill your dreams, rekindle, pull out the weed and water the good seeds in your life, open up to let the sunshine in and let’s all enjoy your bright and beautiful blooms.
GO ON…#BloomInsideOut everyday!
For Daily Growth Inspiration follow us on Instagram @bloominsideout, Twitter @bloominsideout_ and Facebook @bioconnect
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Please Pay It Forward Too & Let's All Bloom Big, Bold & Brave

GO ON…#BloomInsideOut everyday!
For Growth Inspiration follow my Instagram handle @bloominsideout