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Vision without action is merely a Dream.

Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can Change the World


- Joel A. Barker -

I was so BLESSED and inspired by @noxbloom yesterday at the Durban Chamber of Commerce Youth in Business seminar, what an extraordinary business woman.

God bless you...


Masiya Choice @Thee_Masiya  (Twitter)

Starting this week with positivity!

On Friday, the MD of Bloom Marketing, @noxbloom helped us dig deep within ourselves.

She helped us align with our inner power & it was the best way to remove all the unnecessary clutter that creates an ambiguous personal brand #MotivationMonday


Ikhono Communications

Dear Gorgeous Bloomers
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you…for the awesome time at the #Bioconnect Gratitude Soiree. What an unforgettable evening with beautiful, joyful women, my 1st time with Bioconnect and I’m hooked.
Nox you are a powerhouse, a ray of light, a bubble of joy (I could go on & on…)

but truly you exude purity & hope  ~ you are a born leader!

I’m super excited to have met all of you, I need a piece of this beautiful energy. Please tell me more about #BIOcoaching with Nox.

Amina Moses, Wild Ginger

BIO Coaching has helped me make my dreams a reality. When I didn’t know where to start, it helped me step by step in getting it done from being a dream to it being realised. I remember clearly during our Discovery Session, Nox asked me about my dreams, and I said "I want to establish and run my own Boutique Accounting Firm one day.” She quickly  responded “Sli, there’s no month or day in the calendar called one day.” She set up a 3 months launch date and we worked towards it over three coaching packages. An 8 year dream was born, Evelation Accounting was officially launched in the 3rd quarter of 2017.

Sli Mnguni | CEO Evelation Accounting


Your love and authenticity is so real and contagious, it rubs off on us and enables us to see the best in others, encouraging them to live and pursue their dreams, enjoy the freedom and joy it brings to live on purpose doing what you love.

BIO Tribe

My bio experience has been amazing.

BIO Tribe

On a daily basis, the BIO Tribe motivates and inspires me to keep trying and not give up, no matter how dull and gloomy a day it's been. 

This Boss Lady tribe puts things in perspective. “It's not the end of the world.” “You are stronger, God is bigger than any challenge, it might not look like it now but tommorrow will be better, hang in there." That kind of support is what makes me keep pushing and I didn't even realise it until a friend pointed it out that "girl you are so lucky, you know you are not alone, you have people supporting you and believing in you" 

BIO Tribe

Nox, having you in my life is like having every girl’s dream big sister. A sister u can admire,

look up to and have as a role model.

You are so loving, ever positive, encouraging and believe in me even when I sometimes don’t believe in myself. 

Being my Business Coach is like having a cool sister who is in the know and always has your back “akufake ezintweni”.

One who upgrades you and fuel you to reach your full potential, allowing you to dream and let’s you know your dreams are valid and possible to realise.

BIO inspires me to keep dreaming and keep blooming.


BIO Tribe

The support and encouragement counts more than we realise, it shows when day after day others see you pushing and not giving up & they wonder how you do it. It’s you Boss lady Nox, and the BIO ladies, thank you so much. Like honestly thank you is not enough to express my gratitude.

BIO Tribe

It's wonderful to have the BIO community in my life, I now have friends, who are also in business. Honestly networking can be daunting, but the best part of having the BIO Tribe is when I go to an event not knowing anyone, and suddenly spot a fellow bioconnector, then I know I’m sorted.


BIO Tribe

Don't miss out

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